Tom Allanson, Founder and Executive Director was incarcerated for 16 years and became a Christian in 1980. In my 6th year of captivity and the Lord directed me to Luke 4:18
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come”
Upon release from prison I became chapter president in Cumming, Ga. and later became Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in America (FGBMFA) National Director over Prison Ministry.
This was the beginning of Set Free After Care, nine years on a mission field in prison, spreading the Good News of the Lord. Upon release in 1989 until now (18 years) we have provided a safe Christian half-way house for men to start their life over with their second chance, this time walking hand in hand with the Lord.
After a man has been incarcerated for a time, sometimes a long time, he is stepping into a foreign world that he must have a hand to guide and teach him, spiritual skills, life skills, money management ,how to get a job and keep it and accountability. Our goal is to restore the whole man while successfully leading him out of darkness into the light.
Set Free After Care Ministry was started on Matt: 25: 35-40 “for I was hungry and you fed me ;I was thirsty and you gave me a drink: I was a stranger and you invited me into your home; I was naked and you gave me clothing: I was sick and you cared for me; I was in prison and you visited me.” … “I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me” Just picture yourself as an inmate’s your first 24 hours standing in a foreign world with $25 dollars in your pocket with nothing to eat or drink or a place to sleep with No money, NO food , NO friends, NO idea what to do next. Very scary thought, you have to survive.
Georgia ranks 4th in the nation for incarcerations, 1 out of 13 Georgians are under some sort of supervision of the Department of Corrections, Parole, or Probation. Approximately 95% of the offenders in prison will eventually be released. 30% released from state prisons are re-arrested in 3 years and more than 40 % are re-incarcerated. WHY? They didn’t have any help to teach them how to forget the past and learn how to live a normal life, so they just reverted back to their old ways. It is our goal to assist the ex-offender in becoming a responsible, productive citizen that will remain crime free. We MUST stop the revolving prison doors.
It is cheaper to rehabilitate God’s way with love than to build prisons, which cost nearly $60 million to build an over $20 million/yr. to operate It is YOUR’S and MY taxes that pay for that.
Tom Allanson, Executive Director
Office 4170 Matt Hwy, Cumming, Ga. 30028
Phone: (678) 231-2324
Email: tla102589@comcast.net
Dr. Steven Turner the Dept. of Corrections Head Chaplain and
myself, SFAC was awarded "Faith Based Contributor of the Year"
Tom Allanson, Executive Director
Office 4170 Matt Hwy, Cumming, Ga. 30028